Don’t work in the dark, see then act! You’re awash with data but could you be overlooking a valuable business decision-making tool, that could help you get a handle on your operation and costs, quickly and accurately?
Before you can start analysing your data and building what if modelling scenarios gain accurate, real-time business management information from the ProWMS Advanced Warehouse Management software BI Business Intelligence and Analytics module for accurate and timely business decisions resulting in reduced OpEx and assured revenue.
ProWMS Business Intelligence and Analytics software transforms business by:
ProWMS Advanced Warehouse Management Software is a transactional-based application. Every time a product moves into, out of, or within a warehouse it is linked to an operator ID and is date and time stamped in real-time, to the second. Consequently, the application tracks operator level KPI’s, inactivity times and non-moving stock.
ProWMS Business Intelligence measures all aspects of your warehouse management and operation in real-time and is presented in easy-to-understand, user-definable, dashboard views.